Graduate Certificate in Native American and Indigenous Studies
The graduate Certificate in Native American and Indigenous studies (NAIS) requires a minimum of 15 s.h. in courses numbered 3000 and above. Students must maintain a g.p.a. of at least 3.00 in coursework toward the certificate.
Students must contact the NAIS coordinator in order to apply to the certificate program, and they work with the NAIS coordinator to develop a plan of study.
Students who earned an undergraduate certificate in the program may not receive a graduate certificate.
Native American and Indigenous studies aims to expose students to the interdisciplinary nature of the field. NAIS emphasizes Indigenous histories in the Americas, Indigenous cultures and literatures, and Indigenous Peoples in global perspective.
Students may petition for certificate credit for courses that are not on the list. The petition must show that the course contains significant Indigenous content. Before enrolling in any courses, students should contact the NAIS coordinator.
For more specific information on courses, curriculum, and requirements of the graduate Certificate in Native American and Indigenous studies, visit the UI General Catalog.